
End of 2021 term competition results & trophy winners



1st Esme
2nd Melek
3rd Bobby

Melek was awarded the Borthwick Trophy for most improved rider

Tuesday Afternoon Endurance

1st Neil
2nd Chris
3rd Hayley

Neil was awarded the Snoopy Trophy for most improved rider

Tuesday Evening

1st Emily
2nd Jacob

Jacob was awarded the Andy Millar Quaich for most improved rider 

Jenny with The Poppy Drysdale Trophy for consideration and care for others

Charlotte was awarded the Spirit or Freedom Trophy

Mike and Sue Keean were awarded the Caffreys trophy. 


1st John
2nd Dawson
3rd Claire
4th Steven 

Dawson was awarded the Domino Trophy for most improved rider

Thursday Morning 

1st Lauren
2nd Cullen G
3rd Carol
4th Cullen C

Cullen G was awarded the Tony Trophy for most improved rider 

Thursday Afternoon

1st Sheena
2nd Alice

3rd Barbara
4th Caroline

Sheena was awarded the Anderson Quaich for Thursdays most improved rider 

Claudia was awarded the Tullie Cup for volunteer of year


Jude was awarded the Flying Scotsman trustee trophy 

Groups favourite Horse

1st Bart
2nd Sandy
3rd Pitu
4th Torfy
5th Shamus
6th jointly Rio, Kerbie, Rory

Bart was awarded the Royal Dalton Trophy for being the favourite horse

Sandy won the  Nisbet Trophy for being the Groups favorite Riding horse

Chris recieving the Nisbet Trophy for Sandy who was selected as the Groups favorite Riding horse from Kim, Border Region Chair.

Pitu was awarded his 5 year Long Service Medal

Congratulations to all the riders & volunteers & especially to the amazing horses

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